Word Cloud Generator

Input words and generate a word cloud

5 pixels
50 pt

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Word Cloud Generator supports a wide range of fonts, allowing you to customize your word cloud to fit the style you envision. Below are samples of some of the fonts you can choose from. Select the font you prefer from the font choice dropdown when creating your word cloud:
Arial Black
Times New Roman
Courier New
Lucida Sans
Trebuchet MS
Lucida Console
Brush Script MT
Comic Sans MS
Please note that the appearance of fonts may vary based on the fonts installed on your device and the web browser you are using.
After generating your word cloud, you can download it as a PNG or SVG by clicking the corresponding buttons below the generated word cloud.
Absolutely! Our word cloud generator offers extensive color customization options to let you tailor the appearance of your word cloud to fit your preferences or project theme. Here's how you can customize your word cloud colors:
  1. Select Your Color Theme: Navigate to the "Color Theme" dropdown menu within the word cloud settings. Here, you'll find several predefined color themes, including: Black on White, White on Black, Multicolored, Transparent Background, and Custom.
  2. Customize Your Colors: If you select the "Custom" option from the "Color Theme" dropdown, additional color selection tools will appear, enabling you to pick precise colors for your word cloud's background and text. Use the color picker to select your desired background color under "Background Color" and choose a color for the text under "Text Color". This feature gives you complete control over the color scheme of your word cloud, ensuring it matches your design goals perfectly.
By exploring these options, you can create a word cloud that not only visually represents your data but also aligns with your aesthetic preferences or branding guidelines. Whether you're aiming for a professional look with monochromatic themes or seeking to make a bold statement with vibrant colors, our generator has got you covered.
The size of the words in the cloud can be adjusted using the "Base Text Size" slider. This allows you to set a base size, and the relative sizes of the other words will be adjusted accordingly.
While specific layout adjustments are not directly available through the interface, the word cloud generator algorithm will automatically arrange words in a visually pleasing manner. The arrangement may change slightly with each generation based on word sizes and padding.
Yes, you are free to use the word clouds generated by this tool for both personal and commercial purposes. However, please ensure that the text used does not infringe on any copyrights.
If the words in your word cloud overlap, there are several adjustments you can make to improve readability:
  • Increase Word Spacing: Adjust the word padding or spacing setting, if available, to increase the distance between words.
  • Reduce Font Size: Decrease the base text size or the range of sizes used to render the words. This can help fit the words more comfortably within the given space.
  • Adjust Image Size: Consider selecting a larger image size for your word cloud. Increasing the canvas size can provide more space for the words, reducing the chance of overlap. You can adjust the image size by selecting from options such as Large Screen (1024x768), HD (1280x720), Full HD (1920x1080), or even 4K (3840x2160) from the "Select Size" dropdown menu in the word cloud generator settings.
  • Reduce Word Count: If possible, decrease the number of words included in the cloud. This can significantly reduce overlap by allowing more space for each word.
  • Use Shorter Words: If the overlap is caused by a few long words, consider using abbreviations or shorter synonyms.
Tweaking these settings can help create a more legible and aesthetically pleasing word cloud.